Cranky, the bookbinderCranky says, "Take a quick tour through the bindery."

PLEASE NOTE! Cranky is now retired and no longer rebinding books. If you have a book needing rebinding, please check the recommendation message on the Home page!




A bookbindery is a mixture of the old and the new.

Bookbinding materials have improved over the years, so what we put into repairing or binding a book is the best that technology can offer. Plastic coated buckrams, improved sewing thread, and reliable adhesives are only a few of the materials that are better than ever before.

Many book repair and binding processes are still done in much the same way as they have been for several hundred years. Time proven techniques are still applied with the highest degree of bookbinding craftsmanship.

Come on inside the bindery and see for yourself . . .

                    ENTER THE BINDERY


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